This is me

Santa Barbara, CA
I am 25 and live in Santa Barbara, I love BMW's, Japan, Photography and Film. This is here to show you whats going on with my photography and to just write about things I like, don't like, things that are going on, etc etc etc. Contact me at: AIM - GOREGASMA2 Email - Website:

Friday, April 18, 2008

Red Eared Sliders

My turtles have gotten pretty big, I know it is hard to tell from these pics but they started out about the size of a 50 cent piece and are now about 3-4 inches. 8)

Their home


SWITCH™ said...

nice flix. what are you shooting with?

Jim Bob said...

Canon 5D
Canon 430EX on TTL Cord pointing down
Canon 50mm F2.8 Macro