This is me

Santa Barbara, CA
I am 25 and live in Santa Barbara, I love BMW's, Japan, Photography and Film. This is here to show you whats going on with my photography and to just write about things I like, don't like, things that are going on, etc etc etc. Contact me at: AIM - GOREGASMA2 Email - Website:

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Texas Road Trip 2010

So I used to always do this with my trips to Japan but I haven't been to Japan in two years :( So this was my summer trip, I did this back in June but never got around to posting the pics, anyway my girlfriend Geneva, my friend Franky and I drove from Santa Barbara CA to Goldtwhaite Texas over the span of two days. A little background info, my aunt has a 10,000 acre working cattle ranch that I grew up on every summer. I spent my summer catching snakes, lizards, hunting and fishing and I guess I kinda took it for granted when I was younger but now all I want to do is be out there. It's such a special place to me and am always happy to go back. This was Geneva's 3rd time at the ranch and the first time for Franky. We started our journey at about 12:30pm and drove to Tucson AZ the first day, we had to stop at Bass Pro Shops in Rancho because we all love fishing and that place is like heaven haha...

Stopping for "dinner" which was PB&J's and chips haha, we were in AZ somewhere.

I was bored in the back of the car while Franky was driving, 2 minute exposure handheld.

I was stoked to sleep as I had done the majority of the driving but very little sleeping happened due to about 5 kids running around screaming all night...

6am outside of tucson day 2

El Paso

This pretty much shows what El Paso is all about....nothing.

Our trusty V1 and Garmin Nuvi keeping us ticket free and on track

About an hour away from the Ranch, we had just eaten chopped brisket sandwiches at Coopers and were blasting Johnny Cash, this was my favorite part of the drive for sure.

Me driving them around the ranch

Franky's big catch haha

Me setting up fishing poles for people

Geneva with a little red earred slider they found at the house

Catching grasshoppers

Collared Lizard I caught

After a couple of days a few friends from here in CA that live out in Austin came to visit the ranch.

Trying to tell us how to catch goats (he didn't catch any to say the least haha)

Fishing here is amazing, no one really fishes because it is private land and no one really cares to. There are hundreds of ponds to choose from but I stick to about 4-5 that I know have really good fish in them. We pretty much only took pics of the bass but we caught a lot of really big blue gill.

Nice bass I caught


Fishing with these crazy scarab beetles, these things are huge. My aunt had a biologist come out to check them out and he said they hadn't seen these in Texas in close to 50 years but they are literally everywhere out on the ranch.

This is one of my favorite tanks (texas for pond) to fish, it has great blue gill and smaller bass. Almost 100% catch rate here with grasshoppers as well so for beginners it's great cause they catch tons of fish.

Set the hook!

Makes my skin crawl....

There are tons of cats around the house and tons of kittens

We also have a lot of exotic animals on the ranch, these are some african antelope (cell phone pic)

Sorry there aren't many pics of the actual ranch, I have so many of those already that most of the pics were just of fishing and friends. I will link to pics of the ranch if people are interested.

Drive home, there was a crazy storm happening and I wasn't driving so I had to take pics.