This is me

Santa Barbara, CA
I am 25 and live in Santa Barbara, I love BMW's, Japan, Photography and Film. This is here to show you whats going on with my photography and to just write about things I like, don't like, things that are going on, etc etc etc. Contact me at: AIM - GOREGASMA2 Email - Website:

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Ojai Classic Car Show

I am so sick of uplading pics to the net.....These were all shot in RAW with my 5D and look great on my hard drive but as soon as I upload them they look washed out and like they lost a ton of contrast? WTF?

I was in Ojai to film my friends recording their first full length LP but was early so I stopped by the car show.

Full set here, lots of pics:

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Track Day

My friends rented out Buttonwillow Raceway for a private track day.....Here is a teaser, more to come asap!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Charlies E60 M5

I shot my friends E60 M5 the other night, check it.

A little taste of my lighting set up:

Saturday, March 1, 2008


So my friends threw a party down in LA called DANCEism. Lots of DJ's and ROBOT LOVE (Our friends) played so we were there. We got a pretty big group to head down there, it was lots of fun even though I was feeling under the weather and couldn't drink.

What do you know Kanye West was there....

By the end of my time shooting it was sooooooooooooo hot and humid because there were so many people dancing I had to put the cam away.....

Now almost everytime I go to LA which is quite often I make sure to stop at my favorite pizza place in LA.......Mulberry's Street Pizzeria. But look at what we found outside!


And now onto the Mulberry's action:

22" is the only size pizza they serve!

Really funny shop across the street:

I also picked this up, The Hundreds FTW!